You consider yourself a gamer right? This means you have played the Fallout games, right? No I'm not talking about Fallout Tactics or the crappy console game Brotherhood of Steel, these are not Fallout games. They are crappy games trying to mooch of the Fallout franchise. I am talking about Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Finally they have gotten a worthy sequel. Due to the fact that you surf the internet all day (looking for porn) you can't have helped seeing the ads for Fallout 3. Fallout 3 is The Game this year. Your friends saying it sucks? Well, your friends suck! They're just to unintelligent to play this game.
Fallout 3 is set 270 years into the future, after the Bombs fell. The world is a barren Wasteland, and it's still full of idiots like your friends. It's your job to cleanse it! To do this you utilize different types of weapons, in three categories, energy weapons, big guns and small guns. Considering the finesse you have (you are reading this blog) you choose small guns, so you can sneak up on the idiots and take them out. But of course, just sneaking up on people and killing them off isn't enough to satisfy people like us. Besides the killing you are able to experience a huge world, with loads of unique locations, quests and decisions. And decisions will have a mayor impact on your gameplay. You are able to solve every quest in different ways, whether you choose to be evil (the obvious choice of the Master), neutral or good, and you're action will come back to haunt you. If, for instance, you choose to save a town and act all goody two shoes, well people will praise you and shout out things like "Look it's the hero of

The main questline is quite crappy, but you don't have to do that at all (I would recommend doing it until you learn how to use power armor though). The cool thing to do is just head out in one direction and see what you run into, and suddenly you are involved in loads of interesting stuff; Idyllic towns resorting to cannibalism, child slavery (Yes, you're the enslaver), strange and creepy Tranquil Virtual Worlds, prostitution (Yes, you can get you're own sex slave), insane old men. The lot really.
So, go out to your local games store and buy this game. Preferably for the PC so you can get all the mods that are coming.
And remember, War never changes!