Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11 good reasons to drink beer

Update: Another good reason to drink beer, especially at Oktoberfest can be found at Gunaxin, talking about the incredibly hot babes attending
I am drunk right now, due to the drink we all love. You love it, I love it. I am talking about beer.

1. It tastes good
2. It's refreshing and cools you down
3. It's social. Drinking beer gets you new friends.
4. It's one of the few legal drugs in most countries.
5. It makes you happy. Who's depressed when they have beer?
6. Beer makes you more relaxed than hard liqour such as whisky (I do love whisky though) due to the fact that it contains hops (which is in the same family as cannabis)
7. It comes in a different variety of flavours
8. Two to three pints a day reduces the risk of getting heart dieseases
9. Again, it tastes very very nive

10. ..and most important of all. It gets you drunk.

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